Hook Parish Council operates using a committee system and holds regular meetings to discuss a variety of matters and items of business. Full Council meets monthly, with Committees meeting regularly, usually on a Monday or Wednesday evening.

Members of the public are welcome to attend all meetings of the Council and Committees as observers.

At every meeting there is an opportunity for members of the public to speak on matters relating to that meeting’s agenda. A specific agenda item – Public Speaking Session – appears on all agendas and a period of up to 10 minutes is given for the public to address the meeting.

If you wish to attend and speak, please note the following:

  • Any resident of the Parish may ask to speak during the Public Speaking Session;
  • Only one person can speak on any given topic at any meeting;
  • The normal time allowed will be up to 10 minutes, but the Chair may vary this depending on the number of speakers wishing to address the Council;
  • Councillors undertake to listen to the speaker, and may ask questions for clarification; however it is not expected that questions are answered during the same session, as time may be needed to research or establish facts before an answer can be given;
  • The more notice given, the more specific any questions are and the more clearly an issue is described, the more likely it is that the Council will be able to provide an answer at the meeting
  • Any written materials available to support a question to be raised can be submitted to the Clerk for circulation to Councillors at least 24 hours before the meeting.

Hook Parish Council (Full Council – all Councillors) meets on the first Wednesday of the month.

The Environment and Community (E&C), Finance, Strategy and Resources (FSR) and North East Hook Community Project (NEHCP) Committees meet monthly. The Planning and Infrastructure (P&I) Committee meets twice a month, although some meetings may be cancelled if there is nothing to be discussed.

Agendas, minutes and supporting documents are listed by the municipal year (1st May – 30th April).  We will hold online up to a maximum of 8 years’ worth of documents.  4 years’ of the previous Council and 4 years’ of the current Council.  Should you require any documents that are not shown online, please contact us.