The Annual Village Meeting (AVM) is not a Council meeting. It is a meeting of the Parish electors and must be held annually between 1 March and 1 June. Electors can contribute to the agenda if they so wish. The meetings often celebrate local activities and debate current issues in the community.

It is an opportunity for members of the public to learn about the activities of the various organisations in the village and also to raise any issues with the Parish Council. Only residents who are registered on the electoral roll can vote on any issues. Other members of the public can attend and speak, but they cannot vote.

In Hook, the Parish Council arrange the AVM but the meeting is not a Parish Council meeting and can be organised by any resident. However, if the Parish Council Chairman is present at the meeting he/she must preside. If the Chairman is absent, then the Vice-Chair must chair the meeting. If neither are present, those attending the meeting should appoint a Chairman for the evening.

The AVM is normally held at Hook Community Centre. The evening starts with complimentary light refreshments and an exhibition at 7:15pm. The exhibition grows each year, with a large number of local groups and organisations displaying information about their activities and members on hand to talk about what they do. Parish Councillors are usually in attendance to chat during this period, along with representatives from Hart District Council and Hampshire County Council, so there is a chance to raise questions with them in person.

The formal part of the evening starts at 8pm, when the Parish Council Chairman welcomes attendees and provides a brief overview of what the Parish Council has been involved with over the previous year. There are usually 2-3 guest speakers, giving presentations about their organisation, or a particular project they have been working on. In the past, these have included Connect to Support Hampshire, Hook History Society, Hart District Council, Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust (HIWWT), Odiham Cottage Hospital and Whitewater Health Patient Participation Group (PPG).

Copies of the minutes of previous Annual Village Meetings can be found here

We usually present the Community Award at the AVM.  The award is awarded to a person or organisation who has have given service to our community, on an entirely voluntary basis and over a sustained period.  These are nominated by residents. If you have previously nominated someone, who was not the successful nominee that year, please re-nominate those individuals or groups again for them to be in the running again. The form to nominate them is here

If you are a local group or organisation that would like a stall at this event to promote your organisation, please complete the form here