Hook Parish Council is a consultee on all planning and related applications within Hook Parish and on major applications in adjoining parishes.  Hart District Council is the Local Planning Authority (LPA) for the area and Hampshire County Council is the Local Highway Authority (LHA) and Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA).

Planning & Infrastructure Committee

Hook Parish Council’s Planning and Infrastructure Committee has meetings scheduled twice a month to discuss planning applications, appeals and other planning matters within Hook. See the Calendar of Meetings for dates, times and locations.  Please note – meetings may be cancelled if there are no applications for discussion, in such circumstances a notice will be posted on the Agendas page of this site a few days beforehand.

Members of the public are welcome to attend Committee Meetings and may address the Committee under the agenda item “Public Speaking Session” when invited by the Chair.

Some minor or non-contentious applications may be delegated to the Planning and Infrastructure Officer and Chair of the Committee to determine a response. All delegated decisions are ratified by the Committee at the next meeting.   Applications involving Councillors or members of Council staff are heard by the Committee wherever possible.

Neighbourhood Plan 

Hook Neighbourhood Plan Logo

Hook Parish Council worked with the community to produce a Neighbourhood Plan for the area and this was formally ‘made’ by Hart District Council at its meeting on 27 February 2020.  It now forms part of the development plan and will be considered when determining planning applications.

Useful Links

For advice on what development requires planning permission use this link: Interactive House – Planning Portal

To make a planning application to Hart District Council please use this link:

Planning application process – step by step | Hart District Council

To view a planning application submitted to Hart District Council please use this link:

Simple Search (hart.gov.uk)

To report a pothole, flooding or drainage problem, faulty street or traffic light, paving problem, highway verge trees and grass cutting or fly tipping or a right of way issue, please use this link:

Report a problem | Hampshire County Council (hants.gov.uk)

For a more comprehensive list of roles and responsibilities for each Council please see our Report an Issue section or use the Useful Links tab.