Hook has a huge range of groups, clubs and organisations that you can join for all manor of interests from bowls to singing, general charity work/volunteering to gardening and sports.

Below are the contact details for these groups

The Arts

Hook Choral Society

Hook Coral Society logo

Our aim is to enjoy learning varied, sometimes challenging, choral music resulting in a performance we can be proud of.

We perform 3-4 concerts a year and meet at St John’s church, Hook on a Tuesday evening.

We are a friendly, non-auditioned, SATB choir of 30-40 voices.

Venue address
St. John’s Church,
London Road,
RG27 9EG

Hook Scottish Country Dance Club

bd placeholder

Our more experienced dancers help newcomers to learn the basic steps and formations.

We dance to recorded music and each dance is walked through before the music starts.

Echo Hotel Music Club (EHMC)

Echo Hotel Music Club logo

Echo Hotel Music Club (EHMC) presents the original works of both established, recorded artists including new talents from as far afield as the USA along with the talents of up-and-coming artists to Elizabeth Hall in Hook.  Some have even recorded their albums there.

Tickets for gigs can be found here

Charitable Organisations

Hook and Odiham Lions Club

Hook & Odiham Lions Club logo

Our Club belongs to Lions Club International which is the largest volunteer organisation in the world and whose motto is ”We Serve.” A Lions Club forms when individuals recognise a need in their local community and they remain open as new members are drawn to it when they see the difference a Club is making. Our Lions members are constantly looking to how we can serve.  Over the years we have given to local people in need, started programmes like Prostate Cancer Screening and Village Litter Picks, installed defibrillators, helped at local events and work with other local groups.

We meet each third Monday of the month at 7.00pm at The Raven in Hook but not in December


Phone Number: 07817 886 002

Website Address: www.hookandodihamlions.co.uk

Rotary Club of Odiham and Hook

Rotary club logo

Our club offers opportunities for our members – and those interested in making a difference – to get involved. Through meetings, social events, and volunteer projects, our members learn about the issues facing our local community and communities all over the world, partnering with local, national and global experts to exchange ideas about potential solutions and draw up action plans to respond. Along with these opportunities to serve, members also are able to regularly network, resulting in lifelong friendships and business connections

Are meetings are due to change from July onwards but here is the current schedule :

The first Tuesday we meet at a pub (please see our Club Calander/Program for details) at 7:00 for 7:30pm.

The second Tuesday is our Business Meeting and is held at various venues at 5:30 for 6:00pm.

The third Tuesday  is our Coffee Morning at 10:30 to 11:30am and the venue will vary. Please see the Club Calendar/Program for details.

The forth Tuesday is our Speaker Evening, 6:30 for 7:00pm and the venue will be stated on our Club Calendar/Program.

If you would like to join one of our meetings please contact us

Contact Name: Alison Harris

Phone Number: 07948 331 875

Website Address: odihamandhookrotary.co.uk


St. John’s Church

St. John's Church

St. John’s Church is part of the Whitewater Benefice (a group of churches spread across 4 local villages) and is situated in London Road. The church was built in the 1930s to a design by Sir Edward Maufe, who later designed Guildford Cathedral. It is a Church of England Church

Phone Number: 01256 760 169

Website Address: https://whitewaterchurches.co.uk/


Hook Bowling Club

Hook Bowling club Logo

At the end of Bowling Green Drive is a friendly and thriving Lawn Bowls club. We are justifiably proud of our facilities – we have one of the best greens in the area and a spacious and modern clubhouse allowing us to also play Shortmat bowls in the winter and to host a variety of social events. Bowls is an inclusive sport giving fun, friendly and healthy exercise for most people regardless of age or physical ability. It’s easy to learn the basics but takes a lifetime to perfect. Why not come along and give it a try – a new challenge, new skills and new friendships. From National competitions to our roll-up sessions, where it is just people getting together and having fun, we can offer bowling to suit all levels of skill and commitment. Our website contains a wealth of information about the Club and how to contact us about giving it a try. You only need flat-soled shoes and enthusiasm. Come along and benefit from your excellent local facility !

What3Words fluid.hurtles.exchanges

Address: Hook Bowling Club Bowling, Green Drive, Hook, Hants, RG27 9TZ

Phone Number: 01256 762 005

Website Address: https://hookbowls.wixsite.com/website

Hook & Odiham Rugby Club

Hook and Odiham Rugby Logo

Hook & Odiham RFC are one of the newest rugby teams in Hampshire. With a focus on the traditional values of rugby; Teamwork. Respect. Inclusion. Enjoyment. Safety (TRIES).

It is their goal to bring the sport of rugby, and these values, to Hook, Odiham, and surrounding areas. ‘The Stags’ as they’re locally known, train on Tuesdays and play matches on Saturdays at their home ground on Papermill Avenue, Hook.

They are always looking for new players and supporters to build upon the success they have achieved season on season. If you would like to be a part of the club in any way please don’t hesitate to contact them

Hook Community Squash Club

Hook squash club logo

We are a friendly growing squash club based in the Hook Community Centre with about 150 members. Our facilities include two courts with male and female changing rooms, showers, a viewing balcony, heaters for the courts. We offer reasonably priced annual memberships on an individual or family basis. Our membership fees include unlimited use of the courts.

Each Monday we run a relaxed club night from 6pm – 9.30pm which is open to both members and prospective new members. We also offer an active and competitive set of box leagues, two teams and tuition via professional coach Gary Hales. Our aim is to be an active and welcoming club that offers something for every level of player from those just starting out through to more experienced players looking to play regular competitive matches.

What3Words – ///perfected.study.player

Address: Hook Community Centre, Ravenscroft, Hook RG27 9NN

Website Address: https://www.hooksquash.org.uk/

Hook Runners

hook runners logo

Founded in October 2016, Hook Runners is now an EA affiliated running club with over 200 members.

We have amazing, friendly coaches, capable of getting the best out of even the most reluctant pupil. We meet several times a week for training and group runs. We take a sea of purple to races all over the country (and beyond) including both runners and a cheering squad.  We offer an already famous and celebrated beginners to 5K course (the ABC), graduates from which are already completing full marathons.  We have inspirational runners who are contenders for podiums.  We have a monthly handicap race and places in local cross country tournaments.  And we have a lot of fun in the process.

The regular sessions are suitable for all abilities from first time runners wanting to make a start to experienced/regular runners. Most start from the Community Centre (Hartlett’s Park) unless stated otherwise.

– Monday – 7pm

– Tuesday – 8:45am (not during school holidays)

– Wednesday – 8pm

– Thursday – 7pm *

(* EXCEPT first Thursday of the month, for the handicap race starting at Raven)

There are nearly always some Hook Runners at Edenbrook parkrun on Saturday at 9am (weather dependent)

Phone Number: 07887 531 353

Website Address:  www.hookrunners.com

Rotherwick Badminton Club

Rotherwick Badminton Club logo

Rotherwick Badminton Club members enjoy an intermediate standard of play (both ladies and gents). We meet at Rotherwick Village Hall (RG27 9BG) every Thursday from 8.00 pm to 10.00 pm. Our season runs from September to July. If you are interested in joining, we offer a free taster session.


Contact Name: Richard Burke

Phone Number: 07528 373 062

Village Life

Odiham District u3a

u3a logo

u3a is a UK- wide collection of 1000+ charities that provide the opportunity for those no longer in work to come together and learn for fun. Make the most of life and join around 400,000 members exploring new ideas, skills and interests with your local u3a. For more information and to contact them please go to their website and fill in their contact form.

Website Address: https://odiham.u3asite.uk/

North Hampshire Repair Cafe

North Hampshire Repair Cafe logo

We are a team of volunteers trying our best to repair household goods to reduce waste and save our customers money. We relay on customer donations to cover our running costs. We meet on the last Friday of the month in St Johns Church Hartley Wintney, Sherfield on Loddon Village Hall and guest locations, including Rotherwick Village Hall.

Phone Number: 07799 073401

Website Address: www.NHRC.uk 

Hook In Bloom

Hook in Bloom logo

Hook in Bloom is a volunteer community led gardening initiative in Hook, Hampshire. Working with the Parish, District and County councils, we encourage villagers to help us make Hook a brighter and more colourful place to live, work, visit and play in. In Bloom has three main areas of activity: Village planting (bulbs and troughs), Hook In Bloom gardening competition and Hook Flower & Produce Show.

The hugely popular Hook Flower & Produce Show in September is run in partnership with Hook Village Halls and Hook Allotments Association. The show is free to enter and free to visit. There are entry classes for growing, art, craft, baking and much more.

Website Address: www.hookinbloom.org

Hook Village Halls Charitable Association (HVHCA)

HVH logo

Hook has eight halls/rooms for hire in two buildings – the Elizabeth Hall (RG27 9HH) and Hook Community Centre (RG27 9NN).

Both buildings are run by Hook Village Halls Charitable Association, governed by a volunteer board of directors, which employs 3 paid part time staff to run day to day operations. A wide range of classes and activities take place throughout the week.

There’s also availability for one off or new regular meetings, activities, or parties, weddings and wakes. Hook Village Halls could be just the venue for your event. Contact the staff by emailing or telephoning (between 9am and noon Monday to Friday) to find out availability, or leave a message and we will get back to you. Hire rates and details of  regular classes and activities are on the website.

What3Words: ///foal.lamp.discussed (for Elizabeth Hall) ; What3Words:///pull.clenching.crystals (for Hook Community Centre)

Address: Elizabeth Hall, Raven Road,  Hook RG27 9HH and Hook Community Centre, Ravenscroft, Hook RG27 9NN.

Phone Number: 01256 764 000

Website Address: www.hookvillagehalls.org.uk

Hook Books

Hook Books logo

On the first Thursday of the month, 2-4pm at the Elizabeth Hall, RG27 9HH. Adult paperback fiction books are just 50p a copy and children’s books are 20p each or 3 for 50p. Buy books to read and donate/re-donate your old books so we can sustain the community library into the future. Linger a while after you have bought your books to meet up with friends to enjoy tea/drink and delicious home-made cake.

If you have books you can donate, please drop them off at the Elizabeth Hall between 9 am and noon – Monday to Friday.   All proceeds from Hook Books is for the benefit of Elizabeth Hall.

What3Words: ///foal.lamp.discussed

Address: Elizabeth Hall, Raven Road,  Hook RG27 9HH

Phone Number: 01256 764 000

Website Address: www.hookvillagehalls.org.uk

Hook Community Lunch Club

bd placeholder

Run by volunteers, the lunch club provides older people and people living on their own in Hook and surrounding villages with an enjoyable and sociable warming, delicious home-made meal. Now in the Elizabeth Hall, Raven Road, RG27 9HH,

Hook’s Community Lunch Club is on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 12.15 pm (arriving from noon) for just £6 per head. Afterwards whilst you enjoy a hot drink, we hold a free raffle where everyone brings a small, donated prize. Interested in joining us? Please contact us for more details and to book.

What3Words: ///foal.lamp.discussed

Contact Name: Linda

Address: Elizabeth Hall, Raven Road,  Hook RG27 9HH

Phone Number: 07898 808985

Hook Allotments

Hook Allotment Logo

Hook Allotments is probably the largest (more than 100 plots set in 5.35 acres) independently owned allotment site in Britain. On the boundary of Hook and Rotherwick, just past B&M Fencing along the Reading Road (B3349), the allotment site was bought by villagers and is now owned by a Community Interest Company (CIC).

Officially opened in 2011 by Pippa Greenwood, the allotments are managed by a team of volunteers for Hook and surrounding villages and were the first allotments in Hampshire to open for the National Gardening Scheme. In addition to the various sizes of allotments, there is a community orchard, compost loo, parking area, wildlife area, deer and rabbit proof fencing and beetle banks.

What3Words : ///vine.joints.playful

Website Address: http://hookallotments.co.uk/


young at heart logo

Young@Heart is a free intergenerational group that runs on Mondays (term time only) from 3pm-5pm at The Club Room, Hook Community Centre. We have both members who are over 60 and also teenagers. We take part in a range of activities- craft, quizzes, gentle exercises, pool and lots of tea/coffee drinking and biscuit eating.

What 3 words///slouched.likening.chuckle

Contact Name: Claire Lambert

Address: The Club Room, Hook Community Centre, Ravenscroft, Hook RG27 9NN

Phone Number: 07989 166 220

Home-Start Hampshire in Rushmoor & Hart

Home start Hampshire logo

Home-Start Hampshire is a Charity that runs a Family support group at Elizabeth Hall Raven Rd, Hook RG27 9HH on Wednesday mornings for families living in Hook, Hartley Wintney and Odiham.

Home-Start can help to support families to ‘turn tough days into better tomorrows’. By coming along to our group, we can support with isolation, parenting, socialising, supporting play and development and mental wellbeing.

Referrals can be made by a professional or you can self refer. Open to families with children up to 11 and runs throughout the school holidays.

Address: Elizabeth Hall Raven Road, Hook RG27 9HH

Phone Number: 0330 124 2095

Website Address: https://home-starthampshire.org.uk/

Villages Oppose Warehouses (VOW)

VOW logo

VOW is a formal organisation of Hart residents.  It is set up as a Community Interest Company (Reg No 14403242).  It has a small, unremunerated committee that sets strategy and organises activity. VOW’s purpose is to mobilize and represent the significant local opposition to the proposed development of 105,000 sq metres of warehouses on 80 acres of land that is at present part of Lodge Farm, North Warnborough.   It does this by briefing and lobbying politicians and officials at parish, district, county and national levels, by holding public meetings and by distributing news and updates via email and social media. VOW actively seeks funding to enable it to employ specialist, independent advisers, principally in the areas of Strategic Planning and Law.

Hampshire & Isle of Wight Amphibian & Reptile Group (HIWARG)


HIWARG formed in the Autumn of 2018 and is an independent voluntary group affiliated with the national ARG-UK charity. The group focus is the conservation of native species essentially via habitat management, surveying, public engagement, volunteer training & doing as much as possible to understand & protect the native species in the county. Membership is £6 a year which gives you access to training to survey amphibians and reptiles and a members portal. We believe strongly in providing a wide range of opportunities for people of all abilities to aid conservation of local and national species. 

If you have some spare time and would like to be involved with HIWARG, maybe you have taken a photo of a reptile or amphibian and would like it identified or maybe you have some other query, then please do get in contact.

There are many clubs and societies operating in the Hook area which are not listed on this page. If you are involved with a local club, society or other non-profitmaking organisation and would like to be listed on this page, please contact the Parish Council at info@hook.gov.uk

Note: Pages linked to from this site are the property of their individual owners. Hook Parish Council accepts no responsibility for statements made and opinions expressed in such pages.