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Monthly Bulletin: September 2021

Council Meetings

Following the lifting of Covid restrictions, face to face Council and Committee meetings have now resumed. However, to ensure safety and to allow for some social distancing in rooms used for meetings, any public wishing to attend or make representation under the Public Speaking Session part of the meeting are asked to do so via an online link and will not be able to attend the meeting in person. To join the meeting online, please contact the Officer for that meeting who will send you the link for the meeting.  Details for who to contact can be found on our website and on the agenda for each meeting.

Outdoor Gym and Play Equipment

Further to our article last month, we can confirm that all our facilities, including the outdoor gym, are now open.  We are currently working with our contractor to reinstate the equipment that was removed to facilitate social distancing.

Planning and Infrastructure update

Outline planning permission for a veterinary practice on land off Holt Lane has been granted. Details of the proposed development can be viewed on Hart District Council’s (HDC) planning portal by searching for application number 20/03157/OUT. No development can take place on the site until a separate ‘reserved matters’ application is submitted and determined.  At this point, details of the appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of the proposed development will ultimately be decided.

At the time of writing, a full planning application has just been submitted for warehousing and an Aldi Store at Bartley Wood Business Park (21/01800/FUL) located on the former Virgin buildings site. HDC invited comments from the public over the summer period with the consultation period closing on 27th August. Determination of this application is due at the end of October.

Falcon Developments have submitted a planning application for 20 affordable dwellings on an entry-level exception site on land adjacent to Reading Road. Plans can be viewed by searching HDC’s planning portal using application number 21/01958/FUL. The consultation deadline for the submission of comments for this application closes on 6th September.

At the end of May 2021, HDC ran a survey to gather views from residents on the proposed Shapley Heath Garden Community.  HDC has created a dedicated website for this proposed development which can be viewed at https://hartgarden.community/  Whilst Hook Parish Council facilitated distributing information on this proposal, it does not indicate that we supported such a development.

Hook Eagle Morris Men

The Hook Eagle Morris Men are celebrating their 30th Anniversary this year and will be camping in Hartletts Park, behind the Community Centre over the weekend 3rd – 5th September. There will be a small number of tents and motorhomes in situ for the weekend as well as a security warden.  They are also holding a Family Barn Dance at the Community Centre on Saturday 4th September.  Please see page X for more information and ticket details.

Office now open

Our office at the Community Centre has now re-opened.  To ensure the safety of our staff not all staff are in the office, some are continuing to work from home.  If there is a particular officer that you wish to speak to, please contact the office to make an appointment.  We have also resumed giving out dog bags from the office, although our outpost stations will remain (see next section).  Whilst not mandatory, we ask residents who are able to wear a mask to do so when entering the Community Centre and within our office.

Dog bags

During lockdown and whilst our office was closed, we set up outpost stations where residents could collect dog poo bags. This has proved extremely popular and offered residents more opportunity to collect bags.  Most of the outpost stations will remain in place – please contact the office to find out the location of your nearest collection point.