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Hook Parish Councils Draft Response to the Hart Local Plan 2011-2032 and the Q and A we posed to the District Councillors

Below is our Draft response to the Hart Local Plan 2011 – 2032.  Please be aware that this is our Draft response.  Unless we make any changes to this response, it will be submitted to Hart District Council on Thursday 8th June 2017.  Please let us know if you have any comments prior to this date.

Please Note: The Parish Council response to Hart District Council only counts as ONE response.  In order to strengthen Hook residents views, we need as many residents as possible to respond to Hart District Council with their views before the closing date of 5pm 9th June 2017.

Hook Parish Council-Response to Hart draft LP

Below is the document with the questions raised by residents and put to the District Councillors and the responses we received from the District Councillors.

HPC ‘Drop-in’ Q&A re. the HDC Local Plan_JW_21052017