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Hanging Baskets and Flowers in the Village

Following the beautiful bulbs that popped up all over the village earlier in the year planted by the Hook In Bloom volunteers, our village is again full of colour as the beautiful hanging baskets have arrived and are now installed. Thank you to Simon and his team who have put them all up and will be watering them over the coming months to ensure they remain looking as pretty as they do now.

There are also areas of wildflowers coming to life all over the village planted by Hart District Council. These flowers along with the hanging baskets, the beds and planters that the Hook in Bloom Team have created and look, after not only provide a splash of colour and look beautiful, they also provide an important habitat so our smaller, often overlooked wildlife such as insects and invertebrates have a home and food.

Please help Hook in Bloom. If you live in the village centre or can take a bottle of water when you walk up to the shops, then please save our village plants in hot, dry weather by watering a plant. If you see a stray weed then pull it up and put it in the bin. Unfortunately, they can’t organise their weeding blitzs at the moment and the volunteers are watering as much as possible, but there is only so much water they can carry, so every drop will help! The hanging baskets will be watered by Simon and his team.