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Become a Parish Councillor

The Parish Council Elections are being held on 2nd May 2019. All twelve Parish Councillors will automatically retire at the end of their four-year term. A number of existing members have indicated that they will not stand again, so there will be a need for some new members. We know that Hook is fortunate to have many residents that are passionate about our community and possess a wide range of skills and experience that can contribute to keeping Hook a great place to live and work. A willingness to work on new ideas is always most welcome!

By being a Councillor is your chance to help make a difference in Hook. The Local Plan and Neighbourhood Plan will take effect this year paving the way to regenerate the centre of Hook. We also have many exciting opportunities for new sporting and recreation facilities.

If you want more information on this rewarding role please contact the Executive Officer, Anne Atkins at the Parish Council Office for a chat by the 26th March.

Hook Call for candidates 2019